Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hi, I'm back. Yes, I suppose that you are wondering what I have seen since I last blogged. Well then this is your lucky day, because this is catch up day! ( or ketchup day if you want). When I think about going to a different country I think about some thing different and strange, but the US isn't that different from Canada.

I am beginning to hate the highway, but I still don't regret going on this trip. We just came from my grandpa's wedding. I met my new grandma, she's nice and so are her kids. At least the ones it met. Well anyways, when were that I found out that there were ticks there the hard way. These ticks jump out of trees on to your head. After that I was afraid to go out near trees. My dad and I have been checking each other's head every night.

So far we have been to or passed through: Jasper, AB; Linden, AB; Medicine Hat, AB; Havre, MT; Minot, ND; Grand Forks, ND; Minnepolis, MN; Madison, WI; Indianapolis, IN; Lexington, KY; Charleston, WV; Winston-Salem, NC; Charlotte, NC, Asheville, NC; Nashville, TN.


  1. It's good to hear from you and we're glad that you think your new Grandma and her kids are nice. Sorry to hear about the ticks - I've had experience with them too. Keep blogging because we chcck every day. Happy travels!

    Love, Ami and Grumpy

  2. I can see why you are getting sick of the highway.I'm glad Dad decided to cut your trip back down a bit. It will give you guys more time to enjoy the journey. I'm missing you! It's pretty quiet here at home with out you and dad. Cooper misses you too. He keeps looking for you in your bedroom.
    Love Mom

  3. are you sereous theres tics but your still

    lucky cause you get to skip school

  4. hey did you meet miley cyrus / hanah montana in tennesse she goes there in the last epasod from the one and only jayliegh shaw

  5. Spam Spam Spam, hi ! ( I stole that from Jimmy. )
    Misssss youuu budd ! Have fun !
