Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hi, I am writing in Winslow, Arizona caught in the middle of a sand storm. We had just came out of Petrified Forest National Park when all of a sudden it just started to blow dust everywhere. It was hard to see. So that is why are stuck in Winslow. The highway to the west is closed.

Here's something that I should've told you a long time ago. While we were in Artheu Illinois my dad told me that we were in Amish country, so he want to go to an Amish restaurant for dessert (they had really good pie). Still I think the reason my dad want to go is because he what to see men with long beards riding on horses.

Before I was talking about going to Petrified Forest National Park. So now I will tell you about it. Ever since we hit the desert it has been so dry! I know what you are thinking "it's a desert what did you expect". I think it would be dry, but not like this! My dad is lucky because he had training in Utah. Where was I, oh ya the Park. It was so nice! I can't even describe it in words so that is why you see a buck of pictures below this.


  1. Daelan, we're glad that you got see the petrified forest - it looks really cool. We wanted to see it when we were in Arizona but didn't have the time. Sorry you got stuck in Winslow but you're lucky they closed the road before you were in the middle of the dust storm - they can be pretty scary. My dad had to replace a windshield once from a sandstorm that we got stuck in somewhere in Mexico.
    Until next time,
    Ami and Grumpy

  2. Hia Daelan, yes that looks like desert all right are you still stuck?

  3. We took an alternate route south and got snowed on. We saw the Grand Canyon at sunset.

  4. ello hug hug from oceana

  5. are you still stuck

  6. hi your soooooooooooooooooooo lucky

  7. heyyyyyy daelan what else have u been doing. how was the wedding??????? well bye and it was tayler huggs and more hugs. just wait till u get back im going to give u 9 hug as soon as u come back

  8. hi is that your dad from joey

  9. Hey, hug hug from silly\sylvia

  10. How was the wedding????????? Miss.Rennie is giving so much homework when you get back so ask your mom or dad to drive really slow.

  11. hi daelan hope you are having a good time ....weell bye it is kwiiaas

  12. hey we did fractions

  13. heyy daelan im soo mad at this computer i wrote a message and it deleted it oh well it just said we all miss you and you have a lot of home work on your desk hahahah we can't wait tell you get back and ya well it looks like you are having an awesome time in your picture well ttyl i will post you later well ttyl

  14. hi daelan we misss you from silly/oceana

  15. To Daelan
    Your really lucky to go down south to the
    U.S. It must be very cool down there. I have
    never bin there before. School is going pretty
    good so far I think Jimmy misses you.
    see you when you get back. By.

  16. hi its me william hi don really missis you. did you get a tan.its time to go now biebie

  17. heyy daelan it is me alex again and i just wanted to say jimmy,ausha,me,donn i guess and all of us miss you so much i can't wait tell you know how much homework you have on your desk hahahahah just wanted to write to you now incase i can't later well ttyl hahahahah so much homework

  18. Hey Daelan, it's me, Ausha again.
    ------> Me and Jimmy REALLY miss you, and the whole class too,and I'm going to give you a BIG hugg when you get back ! (: I can hardly wait, ..Jimmy feels the same, when ever someone said your name, he'd be all sad.. Same with me. ----> I wish I had of snuk in your bag, and came with you ! ((((((: Ooooh, and we are all done our test for the Fraction Book Well, Me, Hayley, Jimmy and Don are.. And you already did, what did you get ? I would tell you, but I havnt got my test back yet, but when I do, I'll tell you. Well, I have to go. I'll talk to you later, have fun, Byeeee ! From, Ausha.

  19. popopopopopopopopocorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1=2=3=4=45=6==7=6=54=32=34==6=7=8=7=654=3=2===6=7=6=54=3==2==345=76
    FROM JIMMY FOM JIMMY FROM JIMMY lol ultimate SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. hey cant wait tell you see your pile of home work its huge and there is more coming mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha from jayliegh

  21. Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam !
    We miss you, Daelan !!!
    From your besties, Ausha and Jimmy. (:
